Ministry Day

On January, 12th, 2016 in Liger in has a big event that all the head ministers from Ministry of Education come to do a workshop. There are about 50 to 60 people great people to explain so we have try our best to explain them. In these day all of the students have been presented about what we do in Liger and what is our goal. For me I am in one group called “Tour Guide.” Our goal in this tour guide section are to get all the visitors that come to Liger and know our campus. Also we want to explain them about many example of exploration that we in Liger such as Cambodia Economic and Interior Design. In each small team that we have, we have to do the tour 2 to 3 times for each and we have 25 minutes that is not much time for us to explain them.  

The hardest thing for me and my partner were to get all the visitors in one group. It hard because when we explain to them some visitors don’t know what we talking about because are too behind us at the back. Also when we present to them some people are at the back and they cannot hear what are we saying. Another thing is: they ask us a lot of questions so we don’t get to answer all their questions and don’t get through the whole thing that we want to show them. Eventhough it hard for us, we still try our best to explain and show them about our campus. It was a great and I wish to have this one more time.

Taking a group pictures with all the head ministers that had been come to Liger.
Taking a group pictures with all the head ministers that had been come to Liger.