Last exploration and set a goal for new exploration

My last Exploration is Entrepreneurship. In Entrepreneurship class we learn about 3D printing. We also learn a terms that we use a lot in Entrepreneur. The first day we have to think about what is our idea and what we want to do then pick up four best idea to make four group. In each group we have think about a product that we want to make for help people in Cambodia or other countries. My group idea is to make a book standing because we think that it can help people with reading and free their hands. They can do other things while the read the book on our product. When we told Kichong about our idea already we start to do our work. In each group we have different job. My job was to do a blog post and site, Chhoeu was do about the design in 123D Design and Makara she need to write about the Daily that we do everyday. It was hard to make it because when we print out it always wrong. Then we tried to improve it a lot of times and we print it out about ten times until we get a correct one. Then we think that now we have a product already so we just sell it but we don’t know where can we sell it and who is our target audience. One day Kichong told us a good news that Dom will buy 10 products that it can help the students in government school. Dom have bought my group products then on Thursday week six we went to government. We went to government school to tell the students about 3D printing and our products at the last we ask them a question. Then if anyone of them have a right answer the can choose one of TWUM or Climbing products. Before we have a sharation we have a terms test. In that test we need to write how to make a business that in the sentence we need to the terms that we have been learn for seven weeks. I was hard for me because I don’t know the definition for all the terms I just know some of it. However, I thought that I did well on it and I try my best. On Wednesday weeks seven our Entrepreneurship group and two other group went to DI (Development Innovation) for share what we learn in class and what is our products about. It was fantastic because it was the time that Liger to go DI and do a sharation. Also is have a lot of people come and they really enjoy our sharation.

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